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June 2003

CAOS Auditorium - Odivelas Art and Crafts Center

Brincar ao Teatro, Teatro, Cepa Torta


Miguel Maya


Maria João Valgôde, Samara Rainho
and Miguel Maia



Mafalda Moreiro


Raul Vicente


City Council of Odivelas / Odivelcultur

to the theater

Brincar ao Teatro, Teatro, Cepa Torta

Let's play!! But to what? Hmm... let me see... I know! To the Theater! Yes, to the theater, to the expressions, to the ugly and cute faces, to the big and small heels, with the hands, with the feet, the nose and ears, the belly and the navel. Let's feel the floor barefoot, with our noses up, let's sniff the walls and ear to the ceiling, hear what you have to say... Let's pretend we're kings or princesses, cats or lizards, rice grains or spaghetti, with sauce or without sauce, blue ducks and green birds, the upper or lower neighbor, the cello and the double bass. we may look sad  and angry, happy and happy, poor and ragged, rich and smiling... Well, playing at the theater we will learn some techniques to communicate with each other in the most varied ways and shapes. It will be fun...!

This mini-course was aimed at children from 5 to 10 years old, where basic relaxation techniques were addressed, a work phase of theatrical games and expression  and finally, a small piece was presented, built from the students' ideas.

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