Restart. After a storm.
Now more than ever, expressive work is an essential vehicle through which children can rediscover the feeling of being together again, after so long isolated in small bubbles due to the pandemic. Rebento's activity has lately been focusing on the creation of artistic work that addresses exactly this issue of starting over after a storm. To rethink the future, together.
Re.começar takes the art of theater to schools, introducing it as an element of personal development.
It includes a holistic approach to the construction of the human being through artistic education imbued with a strong component of social awareness and the cultivation of critical thinking.
Several institutions joined this project, in different frameworks: Marvila Parish Council, Lisbon City Council, Instituto de Apoio à Criança, Centro Maximiliano Kolbe and several schools in Olivais, Marvila and Beato - institutions that, in partnership with the Cepa Torta, make this project a reality
13 Schools/Institutions
32 Groups/Classes
688 participants
Miguel Maia
Psycho-pedagogical supervision
Maria João Valgôde
Cecilia Sousa Piscarreta
Nuno Bernardo
Sofia Angelo