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June to November 2000
and replacement in May 2001

Espaço Fala-Só (Bairro Alto Lisbon)


March 2001

Komodia Theater Group Space

May 2001

IPJ Large Auditorium


Adaptation and Staging

Patricia Career


Mafalda Moreiro and Carlos Sousa


scenography  and costumes

Mafalda Moreiro


José Falé, Pedro Lança, Alfredo Santos, Miguel Maia, Joana Henriques, Rui Mendonça, Patrícia Carreira and Samara Rainho



Speak-Only Cultural Association


The banality. We focus on banality, on the day-to-day, on the daily life that passes by us, always leaving marks of its reason. This could happen to you! We wake up one day without a super-ego, we do what we want. Down with democracy, we are anarchs with no respect for the other human being, and then, when banality lurks, we have a fit of fury... These are the confessions of each one's such moment. They provoke laughter and yet are true stories, here is the tenuous limbo between fiction and reality. We focus on fiction, its variants, its formats. We play with it, we are criminals too!

Based on the work “Crimes Exemplares” by Max Aub, this was one of Cepa Torta's greatest successes, and was later requested to be replaced in the Mostra de Teatro de Famões and in the main auditorium of the installations of the Portuguese Youth Institute, in Lisbon. Some of the people Aub interviews in his book about people who killed others for no apparent reason were acted out. An attempt was made to address the issue in an ironic and intimate tone.

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