theatrical performance from the cross between theater characters and the Marvila community

show presented on 9th, 10th and 11th of October | 9.30 pm | Marvila Library Auditorium.
Marvila Wonderful!
At a certain point in time, two people meet in a valley in Marvila. Or perhaps on the seafront of Mar da Palha, at the door of an ancient palace, in the shade of a fig tree, in the atrium of a building... They are very different, they have never seen each other before and they have a way to go. At that moment, between crossing and hiding the shy look, and in an unexpected act of courage, they say hello. They realize that they are unique beings with fascinating pasts, some going back to stories in theater books. The planet placed them there, at that moment, face to face, and now the only possibility to move forward is to know each other, to know each other's pains and joys and to create something new. This was the starting point for an alternative exploration of this place called Marvila and has the participation of professional actors and local interpreters, residing in Marvila, in a project developed together. It uses as a basis the experience of the different parties involved: personal stories and projections about the past and future of life in the city and in the neighborhoods.

Text, Adaptations and Staging Miguel Maya
Based on personal stories by Marvila and plays by Anton Tchékhov, Arthur Miller, Bertolt Brecht, David Eldridge, Euripides, Henrik Ibsen, Jean-Paul Sartre, Pirandello, Sam Shepard, Sarah Kane, Sophocles, Tennessee Williams and Werner Fassbinder.
Support for the Sofia Cabrita creation
interpreters Ana Vilela da Costa, Filipe Abreu, Leonor Buescu and Victor Gonçalves
Local participating interpreters Ana Célia Vicente, Carla Flores, Cila Micaela, Dina Félix, Fátima Barreto, Maria Augusta Nogueira
Video Mario Jerónimo Negrão
Miguel Maia Scenic Space
Costumes Sofia Lima
Manuel Abrantes Light Design
Pedro Freixo Sound Design
#NVPN - composition/interpretation of Chinese Rat (original creation for the show)
Theme "Together again" - interpretation Orlando Loyal
Theme "Walden Pond's Monk" - Tiago Sousa
Production and Communication Director Mariana Santos
Design Sonia Godinho
Photography Sonia Godinho
Wardrobe Assistants Carolina Berdud, Ana Nogueira, Vanda Farinha
Duration 1h40m
Age Rating M/12