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between 1 January and 31 March 2025

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Conheça o nosso Júri

Nesta 5.ª edição do Prémio Nova Dramaturgia de Autoria Feminina, contamos novamente com um painel de jurados de excelência, composto por profissionais de destaque na área da dramaturgia. Descubra mais sobre cada um deles ao explorar as suas biografias!

Some relevant data

The New Dramaturgy Award for Female Authorship aims to promote, recognize and publicize female-authored dramaturgy in Portuguese and is aimed at all natural persons, of legal age, who identify with the female gender, whether cisgender or transgender.


This award aims to promote, recognize and disseminate drama written by women in Portuguese. The competition is open to all natural persons, of legal age, who identify as female, whether cisgender or transgender, and who want to propose a  Unpublished and never performed dramaturgical work.

According to the International Center for Women Playwrights, an NGO dedicated to encouraging the work of women playwrights, 70% of the plays produced annually in the world are by men. When it comes to publishing works, the number drops even further - in Portugal we estimate that less than 15% of the texts edited are by women. This panorama in no way favors the diversity and richness of artistic production, hindering the innovation brought by the female gaze of female creators who, without adequate stimulus, continue to be far from the circuits necessary for the dissemination of their works. In the artistic direction of Esta Noite Scream, we have had difficulty balancing the authorial genre because the choice options are very limited when it comes to female playwrights. Only by encouraging creation will it be possible to change this reality and ensure that more women artists take risks and publish their work. 


Here are some useful links for those who want to delve a little deeper into this topic:



To find out more about this initiative, see the pages of Esta noite grito-se 2024 , 2023 , 2022 and 2021

Companhia Cepa Torta and the Festival of interpreted readings of theater texts -  Esta noite grita-se are supported by the Portuguese Republic – Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts

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