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7th edition     


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The number 7 is a sign of balance, perfection and harmony. Of ideals and the search for knowledge. It is the sign of wisdom and introspection. And it is also the number of the season of Tonight Shout that starts now in October, in another celebration where, like a banquet, people eat, drink and enjoy the word. 

A feast that seeks knowledge, yes, but always in imbalance, in imperfection, in the nooks and crannies of extraordinary theatrical texts that, with the help of a wide range of interpreters, are presented to the public still restless, with a broad stroke, in outline. Ready for the public to improve them by listening. 

This year we will be in several spaces in Lisbon and we will also take some of the texts to the South, to the Municipal Library of Faro - António Ramos Rosa, in partnership with Teatro das Figuras. In Lisbon, the texts will be presented at the Palácio das Galveias, Orlando Ribeiro and Alcântara Libraries, at Fábrica Braço de Prata, at the Marioneta Museum and at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

This season covers a cycle of interpreted readings of 5 theater texts, in addition to the 3rd Edition of the New Female Authored Dramaturgy Award, the reading workshop for young people and new releases on the Esta Noite Grita-se Podcast.


New Dramaturgy Award for Female Authorship

3rd edition

This year, Esta Noite Shout launched the 3rd edition of the New Female Authored Dramaturgy Award, a competition that aims to reinforce the voice of female-written dramaturgy in a panorama in which gender inequality in theatrical creation still prevails. After the first two editions which, in 2021, awarded Lara Mesquita and herWhenever I wake up, and in 2022, Maria Giulia Pinheiro, withThis is not relevant, we had 130 texts in competition this year. The jury, made up of Graça P. Corrêa, Jorge Louraço Figueira and Zia Soares, selected the following three finalists: 

Pedrina Costa Lisbôa, with the textOur Ritual - mentoring by Jorge Louraço Figueira

Sofia Perpétua, with the textTank- mentoring by Graça P. Corrêa 

Tábata Makowski, with the text  The Aviator  - mentoring by Zia Soares

The finalists were then given the opportunity to work on the text, through a mentoring process with each of the jurors, followed by the final decision process.

The play chosen by the jury for the 2023 New Dramaturgy Award for Female Authorship was
Tank, by Sofia Perpétua, for its originality in its treatment of a current theme, as well as for its clear literary quality and scenic potential, which contribute to the relevance of this work in the context of contemporary Portuguese dramaturgy. 
The jury also decided to award honorable mentions to the other two finalist pieces: the piece
The Aviator by Tábata Makowski, as it is a dynamic and moving scenic text about women, dreams, the passage of time, female solidarity and camaraderie; and the pieceOur Ritual by Pedrina Costa Lisbôa, for her extremely vibrant dialogues and innovative dramaturgical composition.

The winner will receive a monetary prize worth €750 and her text will be published in a book in a Cepa Torta edition in partnership with the publisher Douda Correria, whose launch will take place on December 2, 2023, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, together with her public reading that will be repeated on December 3rd, as part of the festival program. The reading will be held again on December 14th at the Municipal Library of Faro.

More about the New Dramaturgy Award for Female Authorship here.

About the winner

Sofia Perpétua was born in Lisbon and is a journalist and writer. He has a master's degree in Journalism with a specialization in audiovisual narratives from the City University of New York, worked in the newsrooms of The New York Times, NBC and CNN in New York, was a correspondent in Brazil and collaborated with BBC, The Washington Post, Ms. Magazine, UNICEF , Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, among others. He produced the podcast The Thread, which was nominated for two Webby awards and received a Pictures Of the Year International award for his work in documentary reporting. Wrote the scriptMaria, don't kill me which was a finalist in the first MotelX/Guões partnership.

Tanque_Estanoite grita-se©SoniaGodinho_8

©Sónia Godinho

Reading Workshop for Young People

This formative and playful moment aims above all to increase young people's interest in reading texts and interpreting them. We believe that it is through the relationship we create with the stories of others that we can discover new worlds. It is by meeting new characters that we enrich ourselves and open ourselves up to different ways of seeing the world and accepting the differences of others. 

In the activity, young people will be challenged to interpret a scene, a story, or text. With a series of basic references and tools given by the trainer, concepts about character creation, the relationship between the actor and the audience and acting between colleagues will be introduced. This is intended to be an eminently practical (and fun) training in which the only requirement is the desire to discover something that exists behind the text.

​The workshop is aimed at young people aged between 10 and 18 and takes place between 10am and 1pm, being divided into two parts, which take place on the 8th and 22nd of October, in the Alcântara Library.

Workshop guided by: Filipe Abreu and Miguel Maia


Registration: €5, through the following contacts: | 924 744 056

Ticket office

Tickets can be purchased online, on the BOL platform, or locally on the day of each reading. 


Ticket price: €5


For sessions at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, entry is free, subject to room capacity.

Ticket collection is carried out on the same day, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation ticket office.


Download the full program here:


Artistic Direction - Filipe Abreu and Miguel Maia

Production Coordination - Inês Achando

Executive Production - Beatriz Sousa

​Communication - Sónia Godinho

​Press Office - Mafalda Simões

Photography - Sónia Godinho

​Graphic Design - Edoardo Trave​

Video - Mário Jerónimo Negrão

Audiovisual recording - James Newitt

Festival Age Classification M/14


Alzira Correia, Andreia Bento, Artistas Unidos, Graça Maia, IFICT - Institute of Training and Research and Theatrical Creation, Sofia Alves

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