Nov 26, 2023THEATREConversations about Ibsen, multiverses and 1 Wild Duck.No dia 25 de novembro, pelas 16h, no Teatro Ibérico - conversa aberta ao público Novos R
May 23, 2023PROGRAMMINGThe new production of Companhia Cepa Torta is coming!Caixa de Questions is the theatrical street show that Companhia Cepa Torta will stage in the ruins of the ore wharf, at Mina de S....
Mar 10, 2023NEW DRAMATURGY AWARDLAST CALL - New Dramaturgy Award for Female Authors - 3rd EditionAre you going to leave your theater text in the drawer? You only have until the 31st of March to send us your application for the 3rd...