Because we realized that it was important to have a time to provide clarifications and share experiences with our potential candidates, we will have an open session on January 31st, at 7pm (GMT), where there will be an opportunity to ask your questions about how to compete for the 4th edition of the New Dramaturgy Award for Female Authorship
This online session with Graça P. Corrêa (Jury of the 2023 edition), Sofia Perpétua (winning author of the 3rd edition - 2023) and Inês Achando (Production Director of Companhia Cepa Torta), aims to be a moment of sharing, of encouragement and enlightenment.
With an expected duration of around 1 hour, with this session we intend to encourage participation in this competition, providing all interested parties with a free registration session where we will talk about the structure of the theatrical text, share some references from authors and playwrights and other bibliography.
At the end, there will also be a space to clarify doubts about the regulations, available at: https://www.cepatorta .org/premio-literario.
Sign up now using this form:
The open session will be recorded so it can be made available later.