In the aftermath of the 2023/2024 academic year of the Re.começar pedagogical project, we highlight the "Out in the Open" activities, which were new this year.
In an attempt to take theater outside of the spaces where classes are held throughout the school year, Cepa Torta implemented some activities that had not been explored with the work groups until now.

Group of students from the Child Support Institute - Marionette Museum
This year it was possible to go "Out in the Open" with one of the project's working groups, the IAC, with the following activities:
On April 17 '24 we went to watch the show "As far as possible" by Tiago Rodrigues, included in the "Student Day" program of the Participation department of the Caixa Geral de Depósitos Foundation - Culturgest;
On June 21 '24 we had the opportunity to take a guided tour of the Marionette Museum.
Even during school holidays, we are already preparing for the next school year. And, to celebrate this preparation and intention of reaching out to more project working groups for these "Out in the Open" activities, we attended a meeting with teachers on July 3rd for the launch of the LU.CA - Theater program for schools Luís de Camões.
We were very happy to participate in this event, which gave us lots of ideas for the upcoming academic year!
We remind you that Companhia Cepa Torta's Re.Começar Pedagogical Project involves around 700 children distributed across various educational institutions, who collaborate with us in this project and who share our vision on the importance of artistic education in the construction of the human being.
This Project is only possible thanks to the collaboration of several entities - Lisbon City Council and Marvila Library, Marvila Parish Council, IAC - Child Support Institute, São Maximiliano Kolbe Social and Parish Center, Eb1 of Bairro do Armador, Eb2 /3 das Olaias and Eb2/3 Luís António Verney - and the work of our spectacular trainers - Cecília Sousa, Nuno Bernardo and Sofia Ângelo, who, with the psychopedagogical support of Maria João Valgôde and under the direction of Miguel Maia, lead the theater and performing arts in the classroom.
We thank everyone at the institutions/schools who are involved in the project and who believe in our work. Without forgetting to thank the members of the Cepa Torta team.
It's wonderful that we can contribute to the growth of these incredible kids who will be the adults of tomorrow.
Let’s wait for what’s coming in the 2024/2025 academic year!!